Sherry's Holistic Health Group Are you looking for a supportive and encouraging environment to help you on your journey to health? Join my private Facebook group. You'll find the motivation, advice and friendships you need to stay the course and meet your goals. I'll be there to support you with tips, resources, recipes and even personal coaching when needed. ...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/20/2023
Paperback Young Molly comes from a single parent home barely getting by. What they lack in material possessions, is made up by love. At school, three girls bully Molly. She struggles to understand, hurt by their actions. While she sleeps, the Lord takes Molly on a train ride in her dreams helping her see that everyone has a story. He shows her the reason behind their bullying and the meaning of forgiveness.  With God's help, forgiveness can flourish and friendships can be birthed. Hop aboard and take the train ride of forgiveness with Molly! ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
Travel down memory lane with Alice, as she remembers a love that many thought wouldn't last. It's a love that tore two families apart, a plan for two teenagers who many thought had no idea about love or even what the word meant to follow God's plan! Alex and Alice are a young high school couple whose love was forbidden all because of the color of their skin. They tried to stay apart, but it seems God continued to bring them together, whether on projects at school or in ministry in their church youth group. Now seniors in high school, they realize through prayer that they are destined...
Posted by Roz Brown on 05/11/2023
Does the word discipleship sound a bit intimidating? What if making disciples could be relational, renewing, refreshing—and every bit as enjoyable as inviting a friend to coffee? Making disciples relationally was how the early church “did life.” Yet somehow over the years, we’ve outsourced discipleship to a class to attend or a set of rules to follow—rather than a lifestyle to embrace. A healthy blend of knowing Jesus andmaking Him known is what gives the Christian life its savory sweetness, and nothing else will satisfy our deep thirst for connection and significance....
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
What woman hasn’t looked in the mirror and wondered who was staring back at her? Or marveled at how grown up her children look? Or puzzled at how her friends are aging prematurely? I'm Too Young to Be This Old (with over 150,000 copies sold) shows women how to face their changing lives with a spirit of fun and fearlessness. Poppy Smith leads readers through both the lighter side of midlife and the deeper issues that concern them, including wondering if the best of life is overfacing changes in health and appearancemaintaining healthy relationships with adult childrencaring for...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
You Are Beautiful! Devotions to Help You Understand Your Worth & Purpose POCKET EDITION contains the same great lessons as the first edition but with updated content, a fresh, new look inside and a compact package outside! Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Everything—which includes you! Do you have trouble believing that? If so, you’re not alone. As girls and women, it's easy to become insecure about our appearance when we're bombarded with images depicting "perfection.” Comparison becomes part...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 08/06/2022
Family. It’s where we learn about relationships, communication, boundaries, and love. It is our first look into our identity and who we are, and who we’ll grow to be. This delicate, living inception from God knows no demographic boundary, blood type, or specific gene. It can consist of any combination of parents and children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even close friends. Deep Roots is designed to set aside time once a week to intentionally meet, read together, and discuss God’s truth as a family. My prayer is that you will grow stronger, not only as a family...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
A demonstration of ingenuity and strength, Remarkable Caregiving features the true stories of six ordinary people thrown into the role of caregiving: a law-abiding woman forced to kidnap a loved one, a man who served as the “relief pitcher” for his best friend, parents of children born with disabilities, a woman born into poverty, a daughter who cares for her dad, and a woman who found her purpose in life becoming a full-time, live-in family member to two adults with Down syndrome. Not only a good read, but this book is also a teaching tool for groups to learn...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 02/06/2022
Fighting fear? Grab my free Fear Fighting Bible Verses resource! Feel free to share the link on your social media pages to encourage your friends. We need not fear when we have the Sword of the Spirit, God's holy Word! Fighting fear? Grab this Fear-Fighting Bible Verses resource! Fighting fear? Grab this Fear-Fighting Bible Verses resource! ...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/11/2020
Meet Featured Speaker, Tanya Jolliffe and discover the basics about: 1. Phases 2. Prompts 3. Development 4. Change She goes into detail about each of these in her book, The Mindful Me Journey: A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise. [ ] ...
Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 03/12/2020
Do you know your neighbors? Would you like to invite a new person for Sunday dinner or your kids’ friends for a game night or the retail lady who looks like she needs a friend? But then–you stop in your tracks? There are TOO MANY REASONS NOT to invite, you think. I know how that feels! I can think of 17 reasons, but I decided to get over them, get over myself, and invite, for heaven’s sake! If you know it’s time to begin doing simple hospitality, here is what you need. The “7 Days to Hospitality” eCourse – completely doable! Normally 10.00 but...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Have you ever shied away from doing hospitality because you thought: ‘What will we talk about? Or you wonder, “What if no one talks – it will be so awkward?!” Then this is what you’ve been waiting for: Say Something Special: 202 Conversation Starters – The Ultimate Guide to Stimulating Table Talk – It provides 202 prompts to get the conversation flowing and the friendships growing. Each of the fifteen categories will inspire you to do hospitality with joy, purpose, and ease. When you know your guests are going to have fun and make friends, you...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020