Imagine if your good friends were a couple dedicated to help you build the marriage you’ve always dreamed of. Steve and Rhonda are that couple. Every page feels like a candid conversation with friends who care deeply about helping you enjoy the marriage you’ve always hoped for. *And Steve & Rhonda have made a FREE VIDEO SERIES to go along with each chapter of The Marriage Mentor . So, if you can’t get your spouse to read the book, read it yourself and then share with them the short, fun, videos with Steve & Rhonda....
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
In this full interview, Shana shares about her struggle with low self esteem caused by facial deformities and how Christ helped her overcome low self esteem. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/24/2018
Even though we can’t choose the adversities that come against us, we can choose how we let them effect us. We choose to let them make us better or bitter. We can choose to heal, then use these adversities to teach us, help us grow, and let God use us them to help others. Brokenness Are you Broken? Elizabeth shares the story of her humble beginnings and the events in her early childhood that began her brokenness. How stress effects you, even pre-birth, and how she chose not to let the brokenness define her. The First Major Crack ...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 08/12/2018
"Anyone struggling with conflict in their relationships should read this book. Making Peace with Prickly People will help you untangle the web of bitterness and anger that holds your heart hostage." -- Florence Littauer, International Speaker and Author of Personality Plus We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes. Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest commandments: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. ...
Posted by Deb Potts on 08/07/2018
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. By dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the call is routed to the nearest crisis center in our national network of more than 150 crisis centers. The Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers provides crisis counseling and mental health referrals day and night. No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll...
The wind was blowing gently, but enough to stir the leaves on the ground. It was a sunny day with a few fluffy white clouds scattered through the sky. Gerald Ray and Timmy were walking through the park. They had just finished playing ball with their friends and were on their way home. But they were not quite ready to go home. The two brothers decided to sit by the small pond and skip stones across the water. “Wow! That was a good one!” Gerald Ray shouted! “Timmy was always good at skipping stones,” he thought to himself. Have you ever wondered how God talks to you or...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
Have you ever felt helpless, not knowing how to help someone understand the love of God and what receiving Jesus is really all about? God gives you a love that will heal every area of your life. Not everyone listens to the Father’s guidance and due to the free will God gave everyone; we get hurt in the process. That is where God comes in, (Psalm 34:18) “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” The Day Hope was Born is a book with a few short stories and poems that will stir your heart. As it speaks to your heart share it with the ones...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
At her favorite place in the park Grace cries out after discovering what her father had done to her and at that moment, she just needed to be held. “Why, why daddy! Why did you hurt me like that! Why! I want to hate you, but I can’t! Why did you do that to me! Why, why, why did you do it? Oh, Lord, I know I need to let go and forgive. I understand what it means to forgive that itis releasing me from the hold of my abusers. I do get it, Father, that as long as I hold on to bitterness and resentment and do not forgive the ones that hurt me,...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
The full purpose of the HolySpirit is to glorify Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us. He also draws you to Jesus, for no one comes to the Father unless he is drawn. Weare to be the voice, the hands, and feet for which the Holy Spirit shines through from us to others. We are not to just go to Church and say, “we are a Christian,” we are to live it. Living out your daily life as a true child ofGod loving people, as a way of life is the best testimony you will ever have.The Holy Spirit helps you, teaches you and guides you. Read through this study and ask the Lord to...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
Revitalize with a new beginning and a fresh start! I would love to help to Revitalize the women in your church family through my retreat and keynotes! Make an inquiry @ ...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 10/11/2017
REAL LIFE ROMANCE by Rhonda Stoppe (Harvest House Publishers 2018) Imagine a book that helps you teach your teens or young adult children about Real Life Romance that honors Christ. What if this book was easy to read, with all the feels that keeps your young reader coming back again and again to each short story of true love? That's what you'll find with Real Life Romance! And don't be surprised if these sweet stories rekindle the romance in your own marriage too! Whether you're single and looking for a reason to believe or a parent watching your own child...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/08/2017