Who is the Holy Spirit and what purpose does He fulfill in a person’s life? One of the passages of Scripture that our Heavenly Father gave me when He called me into ministry was Zechariah 4:6 which states, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” It has become the foundation of how I live my life. This book is a must read for people who desire to know and have the power of the Holy Spirit operating in their lives. It is not filled with fluff or imagination regarding God’s Spirit. The material in this book was first taught in one of our annual...
Posted by Paula Harris on 01/24/2019
More than Conquerors! Romans 8:37 tells us that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. What does it mean to be more than conquerors? Our speakers share with you their travels through difficult years of change and loss and although they stumble and fall they set their eyes on Jesus and find the way back because we are more than just conquerors. In these four sessions explore how faith and trust can bring us up from any depth. We are strong courageous women of God. Regardless of your situation or the way things look, you are still on the winning side. Session 1: Surviving...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
“Karen Porter’s fresh approach and real-life stories communicate God’s truth in a fun and relevant way. Get this book today and find God’s victory for you.” —Andrea Booth, Author, Women’s Ministry Leader. Andrea and her husband Garrett Booth pastor Grace Church, Houston **** Discover the secrets to overcoming giants from a few obscure verses in the Old Testament. Four giants and four mighty warriors are named. The surprise is in the meanings of their names. The secrets to slaying the giants are found in the meanings of the names of the warrior...
Posted by Karen Porter on 09/27/2018
Motherhood comes with a bombardment of emotions. Some are positive; others aren’t. Most are overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. People have children every day. Many have only the slightest idea what they’re doing. But they know one thing: they want to do their best. You want to do your best. To provide for your children and love them with everything you have. To not let them down. To not make the same mistakes your mom made, to be the kind of mom your mom was to you, or some combination of the two. The anticipation and possibilities for your child and yourself as...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Submission: We’d rather avoid or abuse it than embrace it. Maybe we get it wrong. Submission has become one of those words (and concept) we’d rather avoid. It brings up stories and experiences of mistreatment, disrespect, and abuse of power. The concept has been hijacked by authority who have only their own interests in mind and want everyone else to do it “my way.” We live in a culture and time of applauding “my way”—unless it bumps into our own way. Or, we try to generalize what submission means, isolating Scripture to support our assumptions...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Renew your trust in God, identify the spiritual entanglers in your life, and rediscover who you are in Christ. In this six-week devotional, Carole Brewer shares her love for God and knowledge of His word with humor, heart-warming personal experiences, and thought-provoking questions to ponder. “Revitalizing our lives is needed today! The text in this interactive devotional is Godly and refreshing.” —Thelma Wells, D.D., Author of 41 books, Mentor, Women of Faith Core Speaker for 22 years “Carole Brewer’s expertly written devotional is a refuge for the...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 09/17/2018
WATCH These FREE videos are an ADDED BONUS to Rhonda Stoppe's newest book: #RealLifeRomance is a compilation of Real Life Stories of ORDINARY PEOPLE who found EXTRAORDINARY LOVE. Watch some of the couples share their sweet stories here... #HarvestHousePublishers ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
Steve & Rhonda Stoppe authors of the new book THE MARRIAGE MENTOR have created a video series that you and your spouse can watch for FREE. Each video goes along the chapters in their book. We get it. You (or your spouse) are not a reader! That's why we made these FREE easy to watch videos to help engage couples in conversations that will help mentor them toward becoming the couple they long to be. Great for couples, and for small group discussions. WATCH FREE MARRIAGE VIDEOS HERE ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
In this 5 minute devotion, Shana encourages women to keep trusting God concerning their dreams and the destiny He has called them too. "> ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/30/2018
"Anyone struggling with conflict in their relationships should read this book. Making Peace with Prickly People will help you untangle the web of bitterness and anger that holds your heart hostage." -- Florence Littauer, International Speaker and Author of Personality Plus We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes. Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest commandments: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. ...
Posted by Deb Potts on 08/07/2018
http://www.shanastrange.net/theinvitation/ In the 52 week devotional, Shana, along with 50 other women share personal stories about life challenges and struggles that served to deepen their relationship with God. Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, this devotional is a high quality, hardback gem and great source of encouragement for those that struggle with feeling overlooked and forgotten by the world. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/02/2018
A Foreward Indie Finalist B.R.A.G. Medallion Award Recipient Reader’s Favorite Silver Medal Winner On duty as an ER nurse in 2002, Farnsworth identified her son, Spencer, minutes after he was pronounced dead. He was the unintended target of a murder. So begins her memoir, The Greater Weight of Glory, an extraordinary journey that explores the power of faith and forgiveness with rare candor and courage. In 2016, WCVBTV Boston's Chronicle interviewed Robin and one of the men in prison for her son's murder, highlighting their "unlikely...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 07/24/2018