The inspirational true story of Lori Hynson, a stressed, striving SuperGal who was prideful, controlling, and outwardly successful. But behind closed doors, her Shadow Face took over. Unchurched until her mid-40's, she was a shallow Christian, a church-goer who saw God as a nice, Sunday Acquaintance. But when she finds joy, and six short weeks later tragedy strikes, Lori is determined to fix things all on her own, just as she has always done. She makes demands of God, but when He doesn't respond according to her wishes, she resolves to go it alone. On the worst night of her...
Posted by Lori Hynson on 04/26/2017
The Making is a window to be gazed into that will take the reader on a journey from birth, being born again, and revelation of the process that we all must go through to become effective servants in the Kingdom of God. It will cause the readers to examine their own lives in light of the expectations of the Father and to, prayerfully, get to the place whereby we willfully and joyfully allow the Holy Spirit to make us to fulfil our intended purpose, planned before we were even born!
Posted by Vera LeRay Warner on 04/25/2017
Over 23,000 people have completed this reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App. Is it wrong to want to be radiant? What if the desire isn’t simply a sinful quest of vanity, but a God-instilled hunger to reflect His definition of beauty: joy in God. Could people recognize your joy by gazing into your face? Or has your joy gone missing? In this seven day plan, discover how your joy can be restored, even in difficult situations, by learning to fight for radiance. This plan is available in four languages! ...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 04/25/2017
Reflections on Surrender is an adult coloring book, filled with truth about control, ourselves, and God–messages that closely correlate with my new book, Control Girl . While you don’t have to work through the Bible study to enjoy the coloring book, we thought it might be nice to offer them as compliments to each other. God never intended you to carry the burden of trying to control everything. Though most of us would agree God is in control, we find ourselves living as if he needed a little assistance from us. Let us entice you to a different perspective. Inside these pages,...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Little fights with your husband and kids. Unhappiness when things don’t match your version of perfect. Tension, anger, fear, anxiety–it all begins with a heart that craves control. When your perspective of how life should go replaces God’s, you doom your quest for security, peace, and joy before it even starts. Thankfully, there is a better way. Join Shannon as she shares what she has discovered about her own control struggles and about God from studying seven Control Girls in the Bible. Whether it was Eve’s desire to know instead of trust, Sarah’s inability...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
A free, downloadable PDF guide to leading and growing your women's ministry group. I've been a women's ministry leader and I know where you are! This tool is meant to encourage you and make your life flow just a little bit better. Based on the various needs and desires of different personalities, how should women's ministry look? What is our vision? How do we build a team of leaders and help them to grow spiritually? What techniques can we use to include those guests sitting on the sidelines to become involved? And what's the best way to reach out and invite...
Posted by Deb Potts on 09/15/2016
Not much time to read books? Not much money to buy them? But lots of burdens that need answers? Then Hola, Happiness is for you. Best-selling author, Janet Perez Eckles presents a brief study of God’s Word to nudge you to the next level of triumph and joy. Hola, Happiness: Finding Joy by Dancing to the Melody of God’s Word is packed with soul-searching questions, deep reflections, brief videos and answers from God’s Word. No matter what you face–disappointment, fear, heartache, shame, insecurity, sorrow–you will say “Hola” to happiness, to the peace and the joy God created...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 08/11/2016
Since good music really cooks, why not try a book filled with easy-to-understand, concert-tested recipes? Get the full scoop on deep breathing, beautiful tone quality, super diction, great stage presence, microphone and rehearsal techniques, lots of confidence builders, and much more! ...everything you want to know about singing for less than the price of one private voice lesson. Carole Brewer (B.A. in Music, M.A. in Education), is a speaker, author, singer/songwriter, teacher, and podcast host who shares Bible-inspired messages with contagious joy. In her daily life, Carole takes to heart,...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 04/14/2016
Four gifted writers have come together to share their stories of how they have come to enjoy peace like a river. Like most women, they have hit bumps in the road, gone around the same mountains, and believed lies about who they are. In Peace Like A River you will read 45 inspiring devotions that will speak to your hear and enable you to: - Believe you can experience triumph over your trials and tribulations - Discover the riches, the romance, and the love story found in embracing Christ - Receive true transformation by surrendering your will to the Holy Spirit - Pursue the plan God has for...
Posted by Beth Owens on 03/10/2016
Abiding In Him: A Guide to Draw Closer To Christ Authored by Cindy Hultine, Authored by Joy Martin, Authored by Stephanie Olson List Price: $8.98 To Order Click Here Also Available on Kindle at: Abiding in Christ is an essential part of the Christian walk. Jesus tells us that "without Him we can do nothing." But how do we truly abide in Him to have a deep, intimate relationship? Cindy Hultine, Joy Martin, and Stephanie Olson of Set Me Free Ministries share with you practical ways to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus. 5.06" x 7.81" (12.852...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 02/01/2016
Learn how to enjoy the Biblical feasts in ways that are relevant, simple, and packed with meaning. In this book, you will learn about Passover, Pentecost, the Feast of Tabernacles, Hanukkah, and Purim. Everything you need to know is included: background on each feast, how to prepare, and how to celebrate. ...
Posted by Tami Myer on 01/13/2016
"That Your Joy May Be Full" is a product of my own battle with depression. Through many trials I discovered that God's way was the only way the healing. This book will help you to have a heavenly view of life that will help change your heart. That Your Joy May Be Full" is unique in that it gives God's prescription for depression. ...
Posted by Veronica Joy Klepadlo on 01/11/2016