Have you been playing it safe? Are you snoozing in the “Sonshine”, content with your mediocrity? Have you become convinced that safe living is true living? Yet do you wonder if God has something more for you?
If you're a daughter of the King, who has let…
your fear paralyze you
your busyness distract you
your strongholds control you
your perspective distort you
your mediocrity diminish you
your comfort pacify you
Well then, I DARE you! Now is the time to say no to fear, and yes to God. Now is the time to unleash the power of God's Holy Spirit, living in you.
Now is the time to become a woman who DARES to live dangerously for God.
“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Ephesians 5.14)
She Who Dares, An 8-week Study on Learning to Live Dangerously for God