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Posted by Kathleen Johnson on 03/18/2024

SCRIPTURE GIRL - My Scripture Memory Journey, 3500+ memory verses, 1 Transformed Life

Kathleen Johnson describes how scripture memory positively  impacted her life, bringing increased joy, peace, strength, improved relationships, and being better equipped to resist spiritual attacks. She encourages readers to start their own scripture memory discipline and promises that the Holy Spirit will ignite a passion for God's Word that will bring great blessings.The author shares her story of how memorizing Scripture transformed her life. Growing up, she had a strong foundation in the Bible, but it wasn't until a difficult divorce that she truly understood the power of Scripture memory to bring mind renewal and a deeper intimacy with God. She shares her journey and encourages others to start memorizing Scripture as well. The author shares how experiencing a crisis and feeling consumed by fear led her to start memorizing Scripture using a Bible Memory app. She found that this helped reduce her anxiety and improve her relationship with God.

SCRIPTURE GIRL - My Scripture Memory Journey, 3500+ memory verses, 1 Transformed Life


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