During this interview with Marnie, Maribeth will share some of her favorite AHA insights including the stories behind:
• Laughter and tears are only a moment apart, but joy is eternal.
• When we allow God to use us, our suffering becomes sacred.
• For us to understand the Lord’s ways, would be like teaching a dog algebra.
• We don’t remember days and weeks, we remember moments.
• When we allow our grief to be pushed aside, anger replaces it.
• Sometimes my life felt like I was stepping on Legos and I couldn’t find the light switch.
• One of the bests things we can do as parents is to sit down and have dinner with our children.
Maribeth Ditmars is a faith-based author, blogger, and speaker whose riveting life story includes her own battle with alcoholism and the loss of two children, one to cancer and the other to accidental death. Learn more at https://www.MaribethDitmars.com.
Dancing in The Minefields with Christian Women Author and Speaker Maribeth Ditmars - Video Interview