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Audre'L Chantel Davis-Jones

Christian Speaker
West Palm Beach Florida 33407

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My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Be Strong Now; Be Strong (2Cor.12:2)

My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Be Strong Now; Be Strong (2Cor.12:2)

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Grays Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Relationship to Church
One of the pastors at
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Audre'L Chantel Davis-Jones

The Personal Bio of Audre’L Chantel Davis-Jones, 

Reverend, Author, CEO & Founder of Battle Scars Ministries, inc.

Audre’L Chantel Davis-Jones was born and raised in Miami,  Florida.  She currently calls West Palm Beach, FL her home where she is an Associate Minster at Grays Temple C.M.E. Church. She possess many talents in which includes; Ministry Talents:  Inspiration Speaker and Preacher; Women Ministry; Spiritual workshop Coordinator and Event Planner   Trade Talents: High Fashion Designer, Master Tailor & Alterationist, Event Planner, Playwright and  Sewing Instructor.

Although she  possess many talents, the one that she is most passionate and on  fire about, is being a humble servant for God! She is a Victorious Survivor  and Advocate of Domestic Abuse who has made the difference in the  lives of young girls, teenage and young adult women who are lost in the crazy  battles of life through her personal ministry, Battle Scars Ministries.   As a strong Survivor, her focus is to help in the education and the eradication of Domestic Abuse/Violence "One Victim at a Time!" By doing so, she has developed Speaking engagements, Personal Healing Seminars and Workshops created as a net work for hurting women in need of inner healing.

She is an awesome Leader and Motivational Organizer. The Founder and Executive Director of Battle Scars Ministries, Inc, BSMI, established July 16, 2009 and re-established March 19, 2021. BSMI Foundation is a nonprofit organization 501(c)(3), dedicated to "Breaking the Silence and the Cycle of Domestic Violence through Motivational and Inspiration!the She is the immediate past president (2017-2021) of Palm Beach County Chpater of The Charmettes, Inc.

 She was called to the ministry on The Second Sunday of March 2004 and Licensed to Preach The Gospel on June 11, 2004.  Admitted on trial through the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church at the  annual conference on July 13, 2005 and was ordained with her first orders as  Deacon by the First Female Bishop Teresa Snorton of the C.M.E. Church July 2011,  where she was embraced with the title Reverend.  Her greatest accomplishments to date is completing the  awesome assignment that God had given her as the Author of “Battle  Scars of Emotions, Divine Healing from the Scars of Life, and being the  proud mother of two, a grandmother of one and wife. 

Audre’L Chantel Philosophy in life is simple: 

My Grace is sufficient for thee: for My Strength is Made Perfect in Weakness~ Be Strong Now; Be Strong! 2 Corinthians 12:8-10" 

Also more Importantly,Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with  all your might; for there is no work, device nor knowledge or wisdom in the  grave where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 

 Audre’L Chantel Davis-Jones, Reverend, Author, CEO & Founder  of Battle Scars Ministries, inc.

Available for the Following:

Domestic  Abuse Advocate

Speaking  Engagements 

Book Signings

Women Workshops 

Special  Events

Playwright & Community Theater  Director

Mailing Contact:

Battle Scars Ministries, Inc, BSMI Foundation

P.O. Box 3982, West Palm Beach, FL 33402

Inspirational Speaker and Preacher; Women Ministry Workshop Organizer; Sewing through your Healing 

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