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Amicitia Maloon-Gibson

Christian Speaker
Viera Florida 32940

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Inspire Lead Grow: Growing and Empowering Future Leaders for Success

Inspire Lead Grow: Growing and Empowering Future Leaders for Success

Contact Information

Viera, FL 32940
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Mt Moriah
Relationship to Church
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Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Love Offering

More About Amicitia Maloon-Gibson

Dr. Amicitia (Cita) Maloon-Gibson is an executive consultant, speaker, author, and certified mediator and life coach. She established MGAA-Professional Development Institute (PDI) to help others develop strategies for mastering business, careers, life and relationships.  Known as “The Empowerment Doc,” Dr. Gibson shares effective strategies for leadership and empowerment through her keynotes, seminars, Leadership Academy and Advanced Leadership Masterminds and Retreats.

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Dr. Gibson’s audience is diverse and includes a spectrum of clients in North America and abroad including Society of Human Resources, Federal Executive Boards, Department of Defense Agencies and Professional Development Institutes of higher learning. Dr. Cita is an active member of the National Speakers Association (NSA). She also serves on local and corporate boards.

She has been featured in local, national, global professional and federal magazines and media. Dr. Gibson was a cast member of the TV Reality series "The Keynote."

Dr. Cita is a renowned global and international author of several books and she has co-authored 11 books with the Professional Woman Network. Her most recent bestseller is "Growing and Empowering Future Leaders Now!"

Describing herself as a student for life, Dr. Gibson holds advanced degrees in Management, Leadership, Human Resources Development and Social Psychology. Dr. Cita is a decorated veteran with 29 years of service, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel, United States Department of Defense: Army-Corps of Engineers-Air Force. Her mentors and coaches included her parents, Claude and Juanita Maloon, Farrell Chiles, Dr. Robert Lemons, John Maxwell, Gen. Colin Powell, Gen. Robert Crear and others.

Dr. Gibson has received numerous military, community and civic awards for distinction in leadership and community service and she was the first woman in the military to receive the Woman of Color National Award for Leadership & Service.

Dr. Gibson’s professional credentials are also numerous and includes: American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC); the Black African-American Christian Counselors (BAACC); the Marriage and Family Network (AACC); Business and Professional Women/USA/FL.; National Association of Female Executives; Association for Conflict Resolution; Federal Executive Institute Alumni; PWN Advisory Board; Board of Directors - Christian Services Charities (2008-2013); Board of Directors - Neighbor to Nation (2011-2013); Board of Directors - Tuskegee Airmen Inc (GDCJC, FL) (2009-Present); Board of Directors - Women’s Army Corps Veterans Assn; SCC#64; National Speakers Association; Local Chambers memberships. Society of Human Resources Management; ASTD and God’s Leading Lady Ministry Training (Potter’s House/Bishop TD Jakes). Ministry Historymaker with Dr Cindy Trimm. Certified Diversity & Inclusion & Certified Leadership Growth Strategist. Favorite Scriptures Psalms 23 & 121.

Dr. Cita is a philanthropist and passionate about giving back to the community, especially in the area of youth education (STEM program), feeding the homeless and supporting disabled veterans.

Dr. Amicitia (Cita) Maloon-Gibson is married and has two adult children. She is a native of the Virgin Islands and currently resides in Florida.

“Never look down on man or woman unless you are picking them up. You may be on the top today, but they may be on top of you tomorrow. You have two hands; bring two people up with you.” ~ Claude D. Maloon