Step into the fullness of your divine potential with "Unleashing Your Divine Potential," a transformative session designed to guide your audience in achieving lasting change...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
Empower your audience to live an abundant life regardless of external challenges with "Faith Unshaken: Cultivating Spiritual Resilience for Endurance and Victory." This session...
Your PAIN, and your BROKENNESS is NEVER for nothing!!! God wants to give you purpose in your pain! Lana shares three Biblical truths to help you navigate through difficult...
The health of your heart determines the course of your life. "The Condition of Your Heart" is a powerful session designed to equip your audience with the tools and understanding...
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024
Unlock the transformative power of your mind with "Transforming Thought Patterns: The Power of Intentional Thinking." This dynamic session guides your audience on a journey...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 08/27/2024
A sign that your heart still needs Jesus surgery: when a cynical perspective has become your normal way of thinking. â€Philippians 4:8-9 GNTD‬My part: A. I must participate [8]...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Philippians 4:8 TPT[8] Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind....
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Based on her book, "Platinum Faith", Michelle shares the definition of Platinum Faith, focusing on the distinct properties of this precious metal and how each platinum property—its...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 06/24/2024
Remove your limitations and get unstuck. In this empowering and transformative message, you'll discover five proven strategies to overcome self-sabotage, unlock your God-given...
What does excellence mean in a world that is so far from excellent at times? And why pursue it? Jesus gives us the answer by showing us an excellent example of how to live...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024