Join me on my journey replacing the 4S’s (Suppression, Shame, Suffering and Struggle) and Fear + 3D's (Doubt, Despair, Desperation) with faith, empowerment, peace, joy and...
Bad choices. Abuse. Discouragement and Despair. Surrender. Hope. Second chances. Rachel knows God never wastes a hurt, so she shares her story with ladies who are done with defeat!...
In this presentation, we take an intensive look at the woman in Mark 5, and her desperate desire for Jesus. It is a call to all women who have bleeding of any kind in their lives...
Awaken to the Abundance in Christ is living your life from one perspective: value. You realize you are valued by the Father. You realize you possess a value and you are...
Every woman needs to have her soul restored from the busyness, complacency, or disappointments in life. Through Scriptural insights and practical helps, Cindi shows you how to: •...
Is your prayer life based on a series of desperate pleas rather than meaningful, foundational, relationship-building conversations with God? Come change all that! =====Many women...