Danielle shares her powerful and transformative testimony. When she lost in pain, fear and feelings of worthlessness due to multiple childhood traumas she frequently thought of ending...
In the natural, a diamond is formed from years of extreme pressure on carbon, to finally emerge brand new from what it ‘used to be.’ Much the same, life often exerts...
All my life I have sought to do God's will, hoping I would escape further suffering and grief. After surviving childhood trauma, serious medical conditions and too many tragic...
This is an exploration of a deeply personal journey towards healing and self-acceptance. The narrative underscores the longstanding impact of childhood trauma, and the shame that often...
The heart. This is the most important part of a person, and what God cares about the most. What do you believe about God? What do you believe about yourself? Everything in our...
Let me help you walk through the path of unforgiveness to forgiveness. I will teach you from experience how to really see how "unforgiveness" is the pathway of...