Explore the writing life: the good, the fun, the hilarious, and the sobering adventures of writing and publishing in today's world.DiAnn Mills - Writer/Speaker - diannmills.com...
Uncover the art of sharing your story by acquiring skills in presenting it in various formats—whether in person, in writing, or through imagery. Explore multiple methods and...
Learn about the writing and publishing process from award-winning author, Ginger Harrington. Director of publishing for a non-profit organization, Ginger can teach blogging, idea development,...
Shannon’s story, A Deed a Day, about a kindness challenge she and her family started, has been published in three Chicken Soup for the Soul books, has been featured on several...
Christian writers in leadership have a responsibility to those who look up to us for guidance and wisdom. The distinction requires a unique skill set. For leaders to help others, we...
Podcasts are cropping up all over the place and they are a wonderful way to build a platform and get known. But not all podcasts are created equal and not everyone should podcast.In...
Becoming a published author is within your reach with these tips on author success! Statistics show that over six million Americans have written a manuscript for publication with the...
Have you always wanted to start a blog? Are you already a blogger, but the only clicks on your writing are your Aunt Edna and her two co workers?MK shares the inside secrets of growing...
The BOOK PROPOSAL STUDIO is for writers in the process of preparing a book-length manuscript to present to agents or editors. Participants will work side by side with Kathy to create...
Whether you’re already working on a book or just getting started, there is power in the written word to transform lives. It's time to share your voice!Create: Create a book...