Unlock the transformative power of God's grace with this compelling session designed to breathe new life into your audience's faith journey. In a world where the enemy thrives...
Are you ready to break free from the limitations that hold you back and step into the extraordinary life God has planned for you? "I Dare You to Jump!" is a powerful session...
Does God work all things together for our good? How do we define what is good? Join Shelly as she shares her personal story of discovering God's goodness as He conformed her to...
A great talk for grownups and teens alike, "We Go Together" focuses on building quality friendships while rooting ourselves first in the never-ending love of our best friend,...
Are you stuck in the past? We all have regrets! We all sin and fail and experience disappointment, fear, and defeat. But God promises a new thing for His people! God's people...
The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with...
A message from Isaiah 43:16-18 about the new things God wants to do and how His past provision helps us trust Him for the future. Available for virtual or in-person events!...
The Woman at The Well. Life is not a Photo, but a video - it is your life journey. It is the whole story. How did the meeting with Jesus change the woman at the well...
Based on Isaiah 43:1-5a, this message encourages anyone who struggles with feeling loved, even by themself. This is the antidote to fear, comfort for those who feel alone or unappreciated,...