Step into the fullness of your divine potential with "Unleashing Your Divine Potential," a transformative session designed to guide your audience in achieving lasting change...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
No matter what, you matter now! And yet we face spiritual warfare whenever we try to walk in our identity in Christ. This retreat unveils lies that attack our worth and replaces them...
Starting a successful women's ministry involves careful planning, a clear vision, and a commitment to fostering community and spiritual growth. =====This topic is ideal for...
I am all about finding humor through the phases of life. Don't Drink the Green Juice is a seriously funny look at how we grow gracefully, and ungracefully, through marriage, children,...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 10/31/2024
Will you finish this Christian race like a Champion? Can you really hope to finish the “good fight” and run into Jesus’ arms? Be equipped for all God...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
Discover the profound impact of our words and actions in this heartfelt exploration of Christian influence and personal growth. Join us as we delve into a touching family moment that...
Discover the transformative power of partnering with God in this insightful and humorous exploration of faith, relationships, and personal growth. Learn how this divine partnership...
Is your light shining brightly or has it dimmed? Come learn ways to share your light with a world that needs all you have to offer! The Bible challenges us to let our light shine....
Posted by Susan Howell on 08/31/2024
Often called The Proverbs of the New Testament, James equips us with the tools we need to live life as a follower of Christ. Utilizing her new Bible study, Reading the Bible with Purpose:...
Posted by Misty Fitch on 08/19/2024
Stop trying harder and start trusting more! Using analogies from everyday life, Marnie helps us understand exactly how to embrace possibility thinking, move beyond drama, trauma and...
Choose to live life better — not bitter! Based on Audrey's new book, The Girl Who Learned to Live Life Better and the biblical wisdom of choosing better in life...