Take a step toward life and stop taking your next breath for granted. Be alive for more than yourself. Soak up valuable life-lessons Patti learned through the worst...
Posted by Patti Foster on 03/16/2020
“Born for Glory” Destiny Encounter—Biblical and practical principles for identifying and fulfilling your God-given purpose and destiny. Available sessions...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
Leadership—Must-know principles for being an effective leader in the Kingdom of God.“The ‘Do’s and Don’t’s of Leadership:” The...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS—These topics may be added to conference themes as workshops or used as teachings at other services or functions.“Solving the Identity Crisis:” Knowing...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
A balanced and researched look at end-time and present-day prophecies in light of current national and global events.“What Are the Prophets Saying?” An examination...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
“Equipping the Saints for Evangelism”—Information provided on the most effective ways to answer the “hard” questions asked by non-Christians, atheists...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
“New Age and the Church”—Exposing the deception of the New Age, occult, parapsychology, and false religions. These “false evidences of God” are deceiving...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
When was the last time you needed faith? To trust God? To believe Him? We can all use a little more faith! In this message, Robin uses the example of Bartimaeus to encourage women...
Posted by Robin R King on 03/12/2020
The GIFT that is in you needs God's Word~ which IS the spiritual oxygen in order to burn. Lead your group of women into the POWER of experiential knowledge which is transformative,...
Reflecting Him is the game changer! He's the Creator of us; we're not able to 'create the best version of ourselves'! I help women learn to recognize God meeting them...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
This is a leadership class designed to refresh and encourage leaders in church and business. You will break out into a ‘spiritual sweat’ while you laugh, which is intended...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
Christmas gatherings for women are tricky! Invite Paula to help...Gather your group to laugh about the faux paus of the dreaded ‘re-gift’ and celebrate learning what God...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020