Leadership—Must-know principles for being an effective leader in the Kingdom of God.
“The ‘Do’s and Don’t’s of Leadership:”The good or damage done depends on whether or not people in leadership abide by specific Biblical principles: operating under Kingdom authority, loyalty, unity, stewardship, servanthood, and forgiveness and trust.
“Kingdom Vs. Democracy:”The laws and requirements of a kingdom operate very differently than those in a democracy. The Kingdom of God is not a democracy and Jesus is not our president. Confusing the two has consequences in the life of a Christian. Leaders need to know this and teach it.
“Motivational Gifts:”Leaders operate very differently based on their motivational gifts (Biblical personality types). Knowing the various perspectives through which others view circumstances, will help to determine which leaders should counsel whom and lessen conflict between leaders.
“Parenting the Flock:” There is a critical need for real spiritual fathers and mothers in the Church and we need to step up and fill those roles.