This is a five session retreat format studying the contrasts of pride and humility based on the book of 1 Samuel. The sessions are as follows: 1. Blessed Humility - a study...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 10/28/2015
Jesus lived in a male-dominated society under the influence of legalistic religious leaders whose teachings made life incredibly hard for most women. Refusing to condone and perpetuate...
Posted by Lynn Bell Pechuekonis on 10/28/2015
It’s our job to make God famous, and braggin’ on Him is a great way to do that. Other than shining the light on Him, it has many benefits, including these: 1) We gain...
Posted by Twila Belk on 10/28/2015
Open Forums Special Outreach Events Outreach Bible Studies Workshops Seminars Conferences Retreats Women's Meetings Tape & Book Ministry Radio & TV Outreach...
Posted by Vanessa Ali on 10/28/2015
There are countless advertisements all around us encouraging us to create a "stress-free environment." But Jesus gave us the answer for creating a "spa-like" surrounding...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 10/28/2015
Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges confronting you in this season of your life? Are you able to enjoy what you have presently? Is there satisfaction in your accomplishments...
Posted by Paula Harris on 10/28/2015
All of us as women need to learn how to walk in the freedom of being uniquely who God made us to be. We are defeated right away when we begin to compare ourselves, our spouses, our...
TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK! Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....
As we face life’s challenges, circumstances, losses and even successes, it is vital we trust in God’s sovereign will for ourselves, our family and churches. Every believer...
Posted by Carol Fawcett-Smith on 10/28/2015
As you look in the mirror, do you ever question: Who am I really? Every new growth passage will bring changes and challenges. Our perspective of God reveals a lot about our identity...
Posted by Carol Fawcett-Smith on 10/28/2015
A full intensive life plan for optimal wellbeing and balance that can be a 3 day personal one to one coaching experience or weekend small group coaching retreat. Topics covered include:...
Posted by Carol Fawcett-Smith on 10/28/2015
Enrichment and encouragement on this sometimes rugged but mutually satisfying road....
Posted by Nita Evans on 10/28/2015