Modern attention spans last three second, and we remember less than 5 percent of what we hear. Speakers, writers, teachers, and other communicators need new tools to communicate...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 02/15/2021
YES! There are blessings in the middle of a global pandemic.Too many times, we focus only on on our trials and not on our blessings. Even through a global pandemic, we have much to...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/04/2021
In this stand-alone message, Lauren answers the questions everyone has about how to be content, why it matters if we are content, things that keep us back from discovering sufficiency...
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...
When life unravels, we can allow pain and bitterness define who we are. Persistence reaches out in the middle of the story. Through the healing stories recorded in the gospel of Luke...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 01/28/2021
A message celebrating friendships and explaining what it means to become a friend of God using Luke 5. It will have your audience singing the Golden Girls theme at the beginning...
A two-part keynote or retreat theme focusing on the highlights of the Book of Esther and underlining the importance of trust and obedience with two powerful one-point messages. As...
A Christmas-themed keynote from Luke Chapter 1 that includes humor, a personal testimony, and applicable takeaways for the audience. Lauren teaches from Luke Chapter 1 about...
A keynote or workshop from Philippians 1 about the dangers of comparison, criticism, and competition between women in the church and provides positive and practical steps to celebrate...
INFLUENTIAL is a two-part keynote or three-part retreat presentation using Paul's pattern of influencing others for the Gospel according to 1 Thessalonians 1. Women are influenced...
What do you do when your whole life has been erased and you must start all over?This is Rhonda's most personal topic as it deals with her trauma of enduring a stroke, which left...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 01/20/2021
Sometimes a word comes up over and over again and you just have to take notice. I never believed that this really happens, when others would claim to have a word for the year, not...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 01/20/2021