Awaken your congregation, women of the church, and teens to draw near to God and become the somebody that makes a difference. Help your new believers grow in understanding as to what's...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
As redeemed people by Christ's sacrifice for us, we have the responsibility to take reasonable care of our bodies to serve Him and others more effectively. Find refreshment...
Posted by Charlaine Martin on 04/16/2019
This talk uses Psalm 78:2-8 and Titus 2:3-5 to emphasize the important work we have to do to hand down our faith through the example we set day to day as well as through our relationships...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
The trenches of new parenthood can be rough. Mary Katherine has been there. From the changes in your body to the struggles of postpartum depression, women can often feel lost in their...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Sadly, many women feel stuck in their unhealthy habits and increasingly unhealthy bodies. They feel like failures and that there is no hope because they've failed to make lasting...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 02/18/2019
A self-proclaimed sugar addict, Kelly stopped eating sugar cold turkey. It wasn’t easy, but she felt much better after saying goodbye to the sweet stuff. ----------We all...
I am using the analogy of the Banyan Tree and how it grows and comparing to the body of Christ and how we are to operate. This talk is in the works and will be given in Jan of 2019...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 12/06/2018
Honor and listen to each generation. Recognize that people of all ages can be used by God. Stop marginalizing and criticizing a generation with a broad brush. If we think less of an...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 08/20/2018
How can we be certain God forgives us, especially if we still feel condemned?How can we forgive those who have hurt us, especially if they were the ones in the wrong?Will God still...
Posted by Karen Jurgens on 08/08/2018
HELP! My identity has been stolen! Nobody knows who I am anymore! I have nothing! What can I do? How can I be anything when I have nothing?Have you ever felt this way? Maybe...
We can either be on our feet, stone in hand, or on our knees, in the dirt, next to Jesus. As followers of Christ, we are God's physical representation of His Love and His...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
In the gospels, Jesus was a people magnet. Sinners sought Him out and ENJOYED being in His presence. Jesus was real with non-believers and they responded to...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018