What is true beauty in God's eyes? Shana shares about the journey from brokenness to wholeness in Christ. She expertly weaves songs written into this message of hope and redemption....
Posted by Shana Strange on 04/16/2018
What do you think of yourself, about your appearance, about your attitude, about your social standing, financial situation, your ability to form healthy relationships?Self-image is...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/21/2018
We all know what drama is -- in our circle of friends, our workplaces, our extended family, and in the unexpected circumstances of life. But you don't have to let it get the best...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 12/14/2017
She left what was familiar, loved and secure but kept running into Grace. A look at grace through the eyes of Sarah....
Posted by Michele Gooch on 09/22/2017
"What if I told you God has a plan for your life––yes YOUR life?" asks Rhonda Stoppe. "What if you could know that plan and learn to walk in it? That...
Easily distracted? How can we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus when life is so busy? How do we maintain our focus with so much chaos surrounding us? Despite life's distractions, you'll...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 08/30/2017
TARGET AUDIENCE: Women Ages: teens, young adults, mature womenRoles: Singles, Married, and Divorced(Can be catered to a targeted audience)POSSIBLE FORMATS: Workshops, seminars,...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017
Living out the Christian Life requires us to rely not on ourselves, but upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, and the help of the Holy Spirit. Using Scripture from the book...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 08/01/2017
Jeannine was diagnosed with stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphomia on February 14, 2015 (yes, Valentine's Day!) and shares about her journey through cancer and what she learned while...
Posted by Jeannine Moffitt on 07/30/2017
Leadership Lessons from the Life of Moses: 3 part messagePart 1 How God Uses WeaknessAre you longing for a leader who will make a difference for God in your community or home...
Posted by Jeannie Vogel on 05/31/2017
What happens when you get discouraged? Who wipes away your tears? Who understands your emotions good or bad?Beginning with the story of Eve, and ending with the promises of Revelation...
Posted by Linda Penick on 05/02/2017
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...