Building on ONE foundation- God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. Our "oneness" in Jesus Christ. John 17:23; Ephesians 2:22; Ephesians 4:1-7...
Posted by Sandra Jolla on 08/22/2016
Join Cherrilynn on a Scripture-packed journey through three Biblical accounts. Learn how God's grace:Chased Adam & Eve out of the Garden of EdenReplaced Rahab from a place of darkness...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 04/01/2016
We all experience guilt. As women, it seems like it clings to us. How do we apply the Grace of God to eradicate this guilt all while glorifying God?Cherrilynn gives...
"Anyone can build a life with NO REGRETS. No matter what regretful choices you might have made, God is ready to use YOU in history for this time!" ~Rhonda StoppeBeginning...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 03/31/2016
There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
God's word is full of scriptures teaching and reminding us of the purpose that we were created. That being to love God and through that love, to love others. Many times though...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/10/2016
Why do you have certain character qualities? Do you have thoughts like, "If only I was taller. If my feet weren't so huge. I wish I was like my sibling. Why did God make it...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 11/17/2015
This session addresses all forms of fear (panic attacks, phobias, etc.) and helps you understand the Physiological implications of fear and how that plays on our behavior in a fearful...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
A journey requires many things to make the trip successful. It’s important to know where you are going, how to get there, and what you need to take with you as you travel. You...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
"All of us will experience seasons of trials. It's where we turn for strength that defines us in such times." From experience Rhonda knows what it is to fight...
Although you may live an ordinary, everyday life, you are no ordinary, everyday woman. You are God's temple, and you have the supernatural ability to glo - to reflect the very...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
This presentation has the theme of a spa where women will enjoy little spa features items like lotions, nail polish and such that the event host will acquire. The topics of the day...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 10/29/2015