Becoming an authentic woman in spite of the culture - this workshop (can be a retreat) will open women's eyes to understanding why womanhood is where they are today - history of womanhood,...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 01/28/2016
This retreat series will help women discover their immeasurable value and reclaim their sense of value. It addresses the struggles of fear, shame, worthlessness and unforgiveness that...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016
There is nothing worse than going through your whole life spiritually blind. Yet so many believers have no clue why they were put here on this earth. Listen if my blind daughter who...
Posted by Laura West on 12/23/2015
Why do you have certain character qualities? Do you have thoughts like, "If only I was taller. If my feet weren't so huge. I wish I was like my sibling. Why did God make it...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 11/17/2015
Worth & Value – Knowing who we are in Christ is a life-long journey. However, the better understanding we have of our true worth the better our quality of life and function in the...
Posted by Tonya Wells on 11/02/2015
If it is called the happiest time of the year, then why are so many people grumpy and not smiling? We have allowed the world to steal our "joy" of the season. It took a serious...
Posted by Joy Trachsel on 10/29/2015
We can all feel like we are dealing with our own personal crucifixion. When we find ourselves in the mote, where can we find that bridge? How can we see things from God's perception...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 10/29/2015
Why is it that the greatest commandment of all has been misunderstood throughout the last 2000 years? Why do we continue to struggle with this concept of the golden rule? When...
Connie is a prolific and adaptable speaker.She will adjust her topic to your request. She speaks to Men, Women, Children; at Retreats, Seminars, Conferences and Special Events; Her...
Connie will adjust the topic to your request; she creates a unique presentation for every group. Need Some Ideas?Here are just a few of the topics from Connie's past invitations...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 10/29/2015
A woman tends to define her role in life by her responsibilities and relationships. Yet God sees her apart from what she does and has given her an irreplaceable role and a "red carpet"...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 10/29/2015
There is a way to break free of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In this session, Karen shares her personal journey out of countless rituals, into freedom in Christ. Discover proven...