With a million things on your To-do List and more being added every moment it can happen. You can easily end up with pink socks. Rayna offers a unique perspective on how living...
Posted by Rayna Neises on 08/02/2022
Blueprint: In today’s world people are doing so much, yet what are they getting accomplished? Doesn’t it appear that people’s aim is off and their patience is wearing...
We CAN live new, we CAN be FRESH and Restoration is only a prayer away. Join Deedy as she shares with your group what God’s word shows us on being Renewed, Refreshed...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 05/26/2022
Finding Momentum for a New Day(1 session)Feeling stuck? We know the feeling. Disappointments, problems that linger, and other confining obstacles leave us with life circling on a perpetual...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 05/20/2022
What's YOUR personality language? This FUN LOVING, INTERACTIVE message about the 4 SHOES of PERSONALITIES will have your guests laughing for weeks! YES, we use SHOES!...
The power and purpose in generosity is sometimes a mystery, which is why we must open our eyes to God's truths so that we can see with new perspective. In the midst of the roles...
Sitting for a moment in my car, in a parking space, I opened my purse to make sure that all of my required documents were in order. And that’s when I noticed my wallet,...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 09/07/2021
How does one have quiet talks with God? I believe that quiet talks with God is spending time constantly with Him and being aware of His presence.Quiet talks with God is your daily...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 08/05/2021
Modern attention spans last three second, and we remember less than 5 percent of what we hear. Speakers, writers, teachers, and other communicators need new tools to communicate...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 02/15/2021
Session 1: Invited by His SpiritInvited to a deeper relationship with God by His Spirit. Session 2: Led by His SpiritSpirit of Truth guides us into all truth. Session...
Posted by Ginger Harrington on 01/07/2021
This multi-session retreat, can also be presented as single sessions for conferences.Session 1: Soul Care to ThriveRelease the “get-it-all-together” lie and trust God to...
God is calling us to rise above every circumstance that stands against His highest calling on our lives. Learn to bravely face your fears and arise whenever struck down by life. From...