Christmas gatherings for women are tricky! Invite Paula to help...Gather your group to laugh about the faux paus of the dreaded ‘re-gift’ and celebrate learning what God...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
Talk 1: The Appetizer: Invitation to TastePsalm 34:8 – “O, taste and see that the Lord is good…” Using story – mine and yours – to taste the goodness...
HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY, ALL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! What better time than the holidays to use our homes to show off the heart of God? People expect invitations at Christmas, Easter,...
GOD’S HOSPITALITY — Hosting Like the Ultimate Host Hospitality is God’s idea – not Martha’s – and He loves it when we invite others to our...
Are you ready to explore deep spiritual truths through the lens of play? Join us for an engaging session with Joanna Fruhauf, where she uses beloved board games like Sorry, Trouble, Perfection, Taboo,...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 01/21/2020
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Next Women’s Conference!How’s your spiritual vision? Do you see with clarity, or is your perspective a bit blurry? Join us for an enlightening...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 12/12/2019
Are you ready to explore the profound meaning of daughterhood? Join us for a transformative session with Joanna, where we’ll delve into the question: “Who’s daughter...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 12/12/2019
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to wrap our heads and hearts around. God invites you discover exactly how to let go of it, to release the grip of unforgiveness, and...
Increase your peace, hope and rest during this holiday season as you learn how to press into God’s Word in a more personal, practical and powerful way than ever before.---Based...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 09/19/2019
Through the story of the woman at the well we learn about the invitation that Jesus offers us to have a new life, new purpose and new destiny....
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Next Women’s Conference!Are you feeling overwhelmed by the storms of everyday life? Do the swirling chaos and busyness steal your joy, peace, and...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 06/21/2019
Christie embraced what she calls her “sacred responsibility” to the Father in giving HOPE back to others. She invites everyone of all ages and stages of life to learn to...