Imagine life with unlimited possibility, where fear, misconceptions, and insecurities don't have the power to rob you of your potential or your dreams. Many women have trouble...
In this presentation multiple visuals are used to magnify scripture and help participants learn to use their identification with God Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally as a prayer...
I facilitate workshops that can help women learn how identify threatening behaviors and be better prepared to escape dangerous situations safely.Women will be educated on the following:How...
"Never would Forshia have believed that God would use her artistic and creative gifts to lead people to a knowledge of Him. But indeed He has. God has given Forshia a unique gift...
If you are like me, when you look back over the errors, failures and mishaps in your life you may wonder why a holy God would ever love you. How can he forgive and forget all the things...
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
A retreat to encourage women to achieve their full potential in Christ. Talks focus on: Look In – Are there issues that keep you from moving on in life? Look Up...
A woman tends to define her role in life by her responsibilities and relationships. Yet God sees her apart from what she does and has given her an irreplaceable role and a "red carpet"...