A frank discussion on how other's regret and shame keep them isolated and separated from family and loved ones. How to recognize this and choose not to live in offense. Focus on...
Posted by Gabrielle Oldfield on 10/29/2015
“The Christian life is a long obedience in the same direction” (E.M. Bounds). Along this journey, we encounter experiences and biblical truths that enhance and deepen our...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 10/29/2015
Life is a journey. As we travel we experience open roads, rest stops, detours, potholes, and road closures. What can make the journey more hope-filled and fun-filled? Sharing the trip...
Stephanie Olson teaches on the joy of the Lord. This is no 12-step meeting or message on addictions. And although battling an addiction is a huge battle and shouldn't be ignored...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015
Do you ever feel like the mad hatter, juggling hats to keep up appearances? You are not alone. Many of us struggle with putting too much value in keeping up appearances. But that isn't...
Posted by Lynne Leite - CurlyGirl4God on 10/29/2015
Our homes can say a lot (or say a little) about what we believe living in Jesus means. He is our example of a servant, washing our feet and cleansing our heart. Learn how to shine...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 10/29/2015
Down Again is a seven-chapter book with discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Relationship with Jesus, what to do when we fall, and how to get back into relationship with...
Posted by Civilla Morgan on 10/29/2015
Living in a post recession economy, many families find themselves needing to stretch their income or develop new streams of income. In this presentation, Ellie Kay, the successful...
Whether you are forced to live on one income due to job loss or a post recession economy. Or, you want to live on one income to be home with your children, Ellie Kay has good news...
Whether you are a full time mom or a full time attorney--you need five specific kinds of friends in your life. This message is a celebration of women's friendships for every walk...
Ellie Kay, a mother of seven and author of 14 books shares how to raise fiscally fit kids. With her signature humor and practical style, she gives specific help in the areas of how...
Ellie Kay, best selling author of fifteen books and frequent media guest on Fox News, ABC Nightline, Neil Cavuto, MSNBC, and CNBC presents her “Heroes At Home” message...