There is a stark contrast between the fifty or more Old Testament references of a stronghold to the one New Testament reference by the Apostle Paul. The Old Testament stronghold was...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/22/2016
Face your future without fear by learning how to program your heart, mind and spirit for victory not defeat....
Jana testifies that God gives us what we need to go through an unexpected challenge or hardship. "I know the Plans I have for you,declare the Lord, plans to prosper...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
Practical tips to knock out fear that overwhelms you, robs you of hope, attacks your faith, and threatens to defeat you....
How do we live a life of faith when fear has such a powerful grip on us? Why would God desire to use such an unqualified person? Throughout scripture God has called the fearful, and...
Everyone wants to leave a legacy. What kind of legacy will you leave?Your passions, your hopes, your dreams. Let's discover them together! Be prepared to open...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 08/19/2016
What is your mind fixated on? Is it what is true and good? Or what is fearful and uncertain. If our minds are not fixed on the truth of God’s Word, then when the “suddenlies”...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/18/2016
The enemy lies and tells us our past defines us. The truth is God defines us. And His plan is to set us free from our past, and use the very thing the enemy was determined to destroy...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/18/2016
This retreat - based on Morna's published 10 week Bible study "Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins...Learning the Skill of Tearing down Strongholds" - tackles how to recognize...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 08/16/2016
Have you ever felt like the Bible wasn’t meant for you to understand? Let me show you a multi-step process that will help God’s word come to life. ...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 08/15/2016
When we become a Christian, God gives us everything we need to live life with victory. However along the way, we add things to "our purses" and life just gets complicated. This...
Posted by Cyndi Grace on 08/12/2016
You know the praise and worship chorus, "It's all about you" that we sing unto the Lord? Well, many of us don't live those lyrics. We think it's all about us. In this session, Michelle...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 08/11/2016