Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Next Women’s Conference!Are you feeling overwhelmed by the storms of everyday life? Do the swirling chaos and busyness steal your joy, peace, and...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 06/21/2019
Becoming the Queen Who Rules in Harmony. As women, we often find ourselves in leadership roles whether we bear the title of “Leader” or not. We execute decisions,...
Posted by Kay Julien on 04/16/2019
We all have storms at some point in life. How we face and deal with those storms can mean the difference between a life of victory and defeat and can set the stage for God's plan...
Posted by Mary Southerland on 03/01/2019
As we dive into this popular passage of scripture, we see the storms are coming, not if they come, but when they come. We are faced with what do we believe about our God in times...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 01/08/2019
Some of the deepest hurt I have ever felt as a Christian has come from church members and church leaders. Through this process of hurting and healing, God, in His indescribable love...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 08/17/2018
You're excited about writing a book, script, or article, or perhaps you're putting together a new talk. Suddenly you realize you have few ideas or an abundance of them. Mind-Mapping...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
Life is rough and the storms we encounter test our faith. How do you find HOPE and stay afloat? What makes HOPE in Christ different from any other kind of hope? How...
Best suited for a long weekend or leadership retreat. This is a series to help ministry teams plan and prepare for an upcoming year of ministry. Sessions include a team...
Posted by Lisa Eller on 01/18/2018
We all know what drama is -- in our circle of friends, our workplaces, our extended family, and in the unexpected circumstances of life. But you don't have to let it get the best...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 12/14/2017
Is the storm raging in your life? Have you felt like you're drowning? Do you seem like you just get your head above water and your hit with another wave? Storms came in the life...
Weekend RetreatJonah 1-4Jonah was called by God and ran. His disobedience led him straight to the belly of a fish. As we look at the story of Jonah, you will learn that the fish in...
Storms of the soul can threaten the very core of our faith. Discover how to hear God’s voice above the thunder, protect yourself from the lightning, and hold on despite the wind.………Most...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 09/13/2017