In the gospels, Jesus was a people magnet. Sinners sought Him out and ENJOYED being in His presence. Jesus was real with non-believers and they responded to...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
Sometimes Christmas is full of pain, full of grief. The glitter and well-wishing of Christmas just doesn't feel... relevant. Things aren't so "merry and bright."...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 02/08/2018
Each session focuses on the story of a different patriarchal figure: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We dig into their individual journeys with God and at the same time think through our...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 02/08/2018
In this conference Ginger addresses what it looks like to live life in light of the Gospel. Because through His divine power, "He has given us everything we need for...
Posted by Ginger Millermon on 08/25/2017
Are you who you want to be? Looking back on what you hoped to do with your life do you find yourself discouraged, disappointed, or filled with regret? These are just a couple...
THE FRIENDSHIP CONNECTION – Women encouraging women is how God shows His love to us and to the world. Steps on how to build gospel-community starting today. Do you have a "friend-antenna"...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” – Ephesians 5:8When most of us were growing up, society was...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017
Imagine if there was an event where you could bring your non believing girlfriends to hear and respond to the gospel. That's what this event will be. Rhonda Stoppe is passionate...
Luke's gospel is sometimes called "the Gospel of the Woman"In the time of Jesus' culture women were deemed to possess little if any value.But Jesus had good...
Posted by Joyce Rayner on 04/27/2017
Combining gardening experience with theology, this talk teaches how we prepare the "soil" of our hearts to receive the gift of the seeds of joy and how we can open our hearts...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 04/25/2017
We are living in dark times for earth's history but we have Jesus as our light and source of power and hope. Every Christian cries out from the suffering and cares we carry for...
If you and your ladies have been afraid of sharing your faith, take heart. This session brings encouragement for modern day evangelism that draws people through the aroma of Christ...
Posted by Jeannie Vogel on 01/06/2017