Based on her popular children’s book, “I Will Not Be Afraid," Michelle discusses the definition of fear and how we allow fear to creep into our lives via dread and...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
We all have high hopes and grand expectations for how we think our life should be! But, quite often, it doesn’t go the way we planned. As a result, we are left with shattered...
Posted by Robin R King on 01/31/2019
As the world embraces freedom of choice, Kelly recognizes that God has given each of us this freedom—He calls it free will. She shows the practicality of obeying God’s...
It’s just a kiss, right? Sure why not? Addressing premarital intimacy, Kelly reflects on her first kiss and how this seemingly innocent act opened a door better left shut to...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
God still speaks in the garden. When Kelly’s hands are busy, her mouth is shut. During those quiet times, she chronicled the gems He dropped into her heart. ----------She...
Countless women go to work each morning with guilt-induced stress because they leave their toddler at the daycare screaming,“Please don’t leave me, Mommy!” Kelly...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Kelly encourages everyone to live, give, and love like Christ. Leave with a fresh perspective of the holiday, renewed excitement in Christ’s birth, and a bright anticipation...
Each day, and especially during life's challenges, we need to get control of our thoughts and self-talk, for they will determine our destiny. This lesson is a must for all women....
"Living Expectantly"Anna was a woman who spent her entire life waiting to meet the promised Messiah. She was a woman who spent her life worshiping God day and night....
Posted by Laura Sommons on 01/07/2019
As an adoptive mama of seven, the non-profit founder of Hope for Love Ministries to aid foster/adoptive children and families, Kim Kintner is experienced with the ins and outs of foster...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
Redeemed is a mix of personal and Biblical stories that will remind even the most weary heart to continue on their journey. Stand firm in God's redemption plan to live a...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 12/31/2018
What makes a person happy? What is the difference between happiness and joy? As christian how should we look at this topic? In this session Yvonne shares a 7 step plan...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018