We all wrestle with our own thoughts. Shame creeps in when we are reminded of our past, whether it is something we have done or something that was done to us. That struggle may be...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 06/19/2019
During a year of productivity and a thriving women's ministry, Lori found herself in a series of emotional family situations that gradually led her into a pit of depression so...
Posted by Lori Militello on 06/12/2019
Christie embraced what she calls her “sacred responsibility” to the Father in giving HOPE back to others. She invites everyone of all ages and stages of life to learn to...
Oh my, this is a subject that is huge in our world today. I too deal with depression and have since my childhood. Due to a lot of situations that were out of my control as a child,...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
I lived through attempting suicide in 2005 and survived a husband who committed suicide in 2012. I gently guide others in how to work through their feelings that both of these situations...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
Why is it important to be able to say "Hallelujah" in the hard times? Because some times, some days, some seasons of our lives it all feels hard. But God never changes and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019
Session OneHaving A Growing Hunger For GodSession TwoRefuse To Be OffendedSession ThreeHow To e Obedient To The Spirit...
Posted by Joani Tabor on 05/23/2019
When an ordinary family decides to surrender every area of their lives to the Lord, they discover a “joy that surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Felice...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Felice often asked the Lord, "Why me?" and she felt His answer, "You said, yes."Staying where we are safe and comfortable is always the easiest of the paths...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Our world seems to be spiritually upside down. Good is considered evil and evil good. How do we live and make a difference as Christians? This series of lessons, taken from the life...
Posted by Cyndi Grace on 04/23/2019
Charlaine's personal experiences highlight the truth of John 3:16-18 and why Jesus pay your debt that you may live in eternity with the God of all Creation, who created you....
Charlaine, a former pastor's wife, shares candidly about the war front in which pastor's families live. She shares some of her experiences and lessons learned to help pastor's...