Invitation to the Deep end of the PoolTwo are Better than OneWho Would Hide You? ...
Posted by Cathy Messecar on 11/30/2015
Hear songs of the Christmas season woven throughout the story of either...- Mary & Joseph laying down their own plans for their future to welcome Jesus, who changed their lives,...
What are you called to do? How do you know what God has prepared you to do? Does that change during the seasons in life? You have a unique calling with unique gifts that only you can...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 11/24/2015
Do you regularly notice God's fingerprints - His touch on your heart? It's easy to see and remember the BIG things, but it is the little things that we tend to forget; His...
Posted by Debra Bosacki on 11/21/2015
Feel confident in your look and how wonderfully you were made. Discover your color code, body shape, and learn how to choose the most flattering clothes for you specific features,...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 11/16/2015
In this world of social media, we are connected like never before, but losing out on what it means to be a real, authentic friend. Through this talk, you will learn the importance...
John 15:13 says “…the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends”. During my struggles, when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s...
The journey of learning to follow Jesus has been a winding road, paved with joy and tears. Through marriage, motherhood, depression and chronic disease, I have learned...
What does it mean to live a life sold out to Jesus? How can God see me as precious when my heart is not pure? This Retreat Bundle focuses on God's view of His children through...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 10/31/2015
Looking for a fresh, fun, and inspiring retreat theme? Walking on High Heels is your answer! Balancing life is a challenge. With all our daily responsibilities how do we learn to live...
Teachers were called to do what they do. They inspire, encourage, and teach our leaders of tomorrow. This talk is designed to speak to the heart of the school teacher from elementary...
Posted by Tammy Whitehurst on 10/29/2015
Identifying how women of all ages "speak wickedness" to themselves (Isaiah 58) and how to be free from its power....
Posted by Susan VandePol on 10/29/2015