This training session entails a comprehensive study of progressive leadership and what it takes in today’s work environment to build a strong foundation for organizational success...
What does Proverbs 31 have to say for today's woman? Sharon Wilharm breaks down the passage verse by verse, looking at biblical women and women from history who exhibited the Proverbs...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 04/24/2019
This talk uses Psalm 78:2-8 and Titus 2:3-5 to emphasize the important work we have to do to hand down our faith through the example we set day to day as well as through our relationships...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
Everyone has a story only she can tell. Future generations deserve to know your family history. Kelly shows that it can be as easy as chatting with a friend.----------When asked to...
Women Who Rock Their World - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....
Bring unity to your group by understanding the cultural differences in each generation. Traverse communication stumbling blocks to better understand your differences but become...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 08/22/2018
Honor and listen to each generation. Recognize that people of all ages can be used by God. Stop marginalizing and criticizing a generation with a broad brush. If we think less of an...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 08/20/2018
Are you a M.O.M. A.T. R.I.S.K.? Denise gives hope to moms, guiding us through the pitfalls andvictories of our roles as mom and how our influence can shape the next generation. It...
Posted by Denise Pass on 07/28/2018
Bring this fun workshop to your church or group either live or online! Explore the art of mentoring in this half-day workshop. In this interactive half-day, your group will examine...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 07/02/2018
Many people today are falling away from their Christian faith, partially because they only have a superficial or intelectual belief. Or they have never studied the Bible for themselves....
Churches across the board are searching for ways to stop the "leak" of our next generation leaving church after high school. Yet no new programs or special ministries seem...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 10/24/2017
Many will settle their estates before death; leaving property and possessions to love ones. However, compared to eternity, these things are insignificant. This talk will discuss...
Posted by Janice Pender on 08/02/2017