Preparing for and living as a God-first stepfamily is both hard and rewarding work. This seminar will offer an enlightening and inspiring approach to step-living through personal life...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 12/05/2019
This talk uses Psalm 78:2-8 and Titus 2:3-5 to emphasize the important work we have to do to hand down our faith through the example we set day to day as well as through our relationships...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
Explore the different choices and outcomes experienced by an everyday mom compared to a priest. Discover how to make the hard choices to reap the rewards of godly parenting. ======In...
MK is famous on the internet for writing about her "feral children". The term was met with mixed reviews, and while tongue in cheek, was intended to be a loving moniker. But...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
The trenches of new parenthood can be rough. Mary Katherine has been there. From the changes in your body to the struggles of postpartum depression, women can often feel lost in their...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Ellie Kay raised 7 millennials and all graduated without student loan debt and high FICO scores. Ellie talks about how to communicate with your millennial, how to help them build a...
~The Bible tells us that we each have a “bent”~ Do you know what your child’s gifts and talents are?~Determining your children’s God-given gifts and talents...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Rhonda is a favorite speaker for MOPs, Mom2Mom and other motherhood groups throughout the nation. Rhonda's lighthearted, passionate look at the important calling of motherhood...
Rhonda Stoppe is a favorite homeschool convention speaker who is repeatedly asked back to conventions where she has spoken. Messages for Homeschool Conventions and events include:-Math,...
Who would think that failure had anything to do with hope? Yet an inability to fail well is at the root of many peoples' fear, worry, and lack of initiative. Strangely, fear of...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 08/30/2018
All parents fear what could happen to their daughters in a #MeToo world. We know sexual predators are out there, and we don't really know where. We would love to have the tools...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 08/23/2018
Are you a M.O.M. A.T. R.I.S.K.? Denise gives hope to moms, guiding us through the pitfalls andvictories of our roles as mom and how our influence can shape the next generation. It...
Posted by Denise Pass on 07/28/2018