This three-part message for a retreat will help women to know the character of God, understand the word of God, and live out the Gospel by sharing His truth with others. ...
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...
When life unravels, we can allow pain and bitterness define who we are. Persistence reaches out in the middle of the story. Through the healing stories recorded in the gospel of Luke...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 01/28/2021
A message celebrating friendships and explaining what it means to become a friend of God using Luke 5. It will have your audience singing the Golden Girls theme at the beginning...
INFLUENTIAL is a two-part keynote or three-part retreat presentation using Paul's pattern of influencing others for the Gospel according to 1 Thessalonians 1. Women are influenced...
Does your heart long for a fresh glimpse of Christ during the Christmas season? Do you desire for others to hear a clear and compelling gospel presentation? Join Donna Amidon for Jesus...
ONLINE HOST PRAISE: "Rhonda blew us away! Her stories were riveting, her strategies practical and her presentation style enjoyable and heartwarming"All of Rhonda's...
“Equipping the Saints for Evangelism”—Information provided on the most effective ways to answer the “hard” questions asked by non-Christians, atheists...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
Using the beloved Christmas song, Joy to the World, Lori creatively and beautifully shares the true meaning and joy of our Blessed Savior's birth. Women will be uplifted...
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than have people over to your home? Does the thought of entertaining make you break out in hives – or send you into a Pinterest Panic? Learn...
Women Who Rock Their World - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....
When the early church began to experience persecution in their communities, they could have viewed the struggles as tragedies, as their struggles were severe and extreme, but God had...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 11/13/2018