Step into the life God has envisioned for you—a life filled with hope, passion, and unwavering vision. In this powerful session, I will guide your audience on how to passionately...
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024
Will you finish this Christian race like a Champion? Can you really hope to finish the “good fight” and run into Jesus’ arms? Be equipped for all God...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
In heaven, we’ll respond to God’s holiness by falling down in worship. But we’re also called to be holy - holy as He is holy - right now in this fallen, sin-soaked...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
Be still. God is God and He’s got this! You’re about to be surprised by the meaning behind the words “be still”. Your ladies will learn to quiet...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
God has uniquely equipped each of us with individual abilities, energy, time, and resources. But how are you using them? In "Maximizing Your Gifts," Georgina will guide your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/17/2024
Cluttered home? Disorganized office? No time for God? When you live in chaos and clutter, everything and everyone suffers. Major Mom shares strategies and insider secrets that you...
In a world that thrives off competition, the kingdom of God offers us another way to live. It's one where the first are last and the last are first, where less is more, and where...
Posted by Hannah Rowen Fry on 09/13/2024
Theology isn't just for the boys! Hannah is a theologian and Bible scholar ready to lead you into a deeper understanding of Scripture. No fluff, just depth in the Word of God....
Posted by Hannah Rowen Fry on 09/10/2024
Equip your audience with the tools they need to stand firm in their faith and resist the enemy's most cunning attacks. "The Enemy’s Tactics: Protecting Your Mind from...
Temptation is a universal challenge—while it’s inevitable, it doesn’t have to lead us astray. In "Resisting Temptation: Preparing for Victory," Georgina...
In a world filled with conflict and division, how can we, as believers, truly embody the peace of Christ? "As Far as It Depends on You: Living at Peace with Everyone" is...