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Posted by: Hannah Rowen Fry on 09/13/2024

Embracing God's Gift of Limits: You Called to DO More, but to Just BE

In a world that thrives off competition, the kingdom of God offers us another way to live. It's one where the first are last and the last are first, where less is more, and where we can accept the limitations God has given us as a gift.


We are often defined by the limits others give us and we give ourselves: "you're not fast enough" or "pretty enough" or "smart enough." Or perhaps "people from your town don't do stuff like that" or any of the other endless ways we lose confidence as women, mothers, wives, and employees. But God gives us limits too, and his are the only ones that matter. And his limits are a gift to be embraced! Women will leave this session feeling empowered and with greater contentment in their current season of life. They will be better equipped to stand against the lies and endless competition of the world, standing strong on the truth of the Word of God.  

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