How does the assurance of heaven impact our lives on earth? How can a heaven-minded attitude keep us from sinking into complacency? Why should eternity be on our minds? By adopting...
Posted by Mabel Ninan on 08/17/2023
Are your days feeling routine, ordinary, or overlooked? Hold on, because God's got an incredible blueprint for you. Dive into understanding how God envisions you, and uncover the...
Posted by Barb Lownsbury on 08/10/2023
When life has you against the ropes it may seem like the only option is to throw in the towel and give up. But if you want a life you love, quitting is simply not an option. In this...
Posted by April Nowlin on 08/09/2023
As Daughter's of the King, we are called "Beloved", but at times the distractions of this world can make us question who we are and where are worth lies.Based on the...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 05/25/2023
In this SOUL FREEING talk, Linette shares how God has actually given us the POWER of the HOLY NO! When we activate this concept, it will help us to cut out distractions, eliminate...
In this FUN & REAL talk, I unpack my “SECRET PLANS” method to actually get stuff done, avoid those time robbers that create “sink holes” in our...
In this inspiring session, Kelly will guide you on how to share your faith in practical and relevant ways with those you interact with daily, including people you may have previously...
Posted by Kelly Master on 10/17/2022
Our true identity is more than what we do. Our actions founded on our values become an expression of our true identity. Discover the deeper things of you and reconnect with what matters...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 10/08/2022
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America ( Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
"What do you and your spouse have in common?""We got married on the same day."Many women can identify with that sentiment. They want their marriages to be happy...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
You will learn 5 important keys of personal leadership that leads you to reach your dream.If you want to lead others, you must invest 40% of your effort on leading yourself. We...
Love big, love boldly is not always easy, but is so worth it. Mothering is hard, and it’s easy to fall prey to reacting in big, bad, ugly ways to our kids’ big, bad, ugly...