Who does God say you are and what has He called you to be and do? The mighty power of God created you to be a unique being! Using the word of God as the plumbline, Sherry...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/25/2017
In this conference Ginger addresses what it looks like to live life in light of the Gospel. Because through His divine power, "He has given us everything we need for...
Posted by Ginger Millermon on 08/25/2017
Be still. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? How is it possible to be still when our lives are filled with chaos, troubles, trials, burdens, fears, worries,...
Posted by Twila Belk on 08/24/2017
It’s easy to get fired up about our faith when it’s new, or we see God move in miraculous ways. But what happens when faith becomes routine, life gets messy, or circumstances...
Posted by Donna Jones on 08/24/2017
What's in your Christmas Cup? Mary and Joseph found prickly people and prickly situations in their Cup at the first Christmas. But with God's help, they managed to experience...
A retreat that focuses on refreshment and renewal!Rest in JesusRevitalize in God’s WordRadiate through PrayerRefresh with RelationshipsOptional: FREE Prayerwalking Workshop/Demo...
Biblical Leadership training for any woman called to lead! In this training, Sherry will cover: spiritual gifts leadership skills personality styles calling...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/22/2017
TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF–Goal Setting for Holy HeartsGod is in the business of fresh starts. He likes the word “new.” and He loves it when we decide it’s time...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,- James 1:19Listening is vital for every relationship, whether...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/03/2017
Join in on this amazing seminar of how our Lord can take what is broken and restore to newness of life through the power of Jesus. Study several biblical characters and see the regeneration...
Posted by Eileen Banks on 06/01/2017
What does it mean to let go of the old life and reach for the new? Maybe we're not even aware of what we've been holding onto. God's Spirit is the only one who can reveal...
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017