Rejection, whether by family, friends, and religion, causes many to doubt God, and sometimes the truth of His word in the Bible. But it is also written that fear is not of God. So,...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 02/22/2022
Speaking directly from the heart with my new series"Whose approval are you seeking"Based on actual life experiences I will bring to the audience authenticity and transparencyI...
Hope isn't a 'thing'~ it is a person: Jesus. Tension resides deep in our hearts due to misunderstanding what God promises and what our life circumstances are. Paul’s...
While caring for her aging parents, Nancy's faith was tested in many ways. In her book, "Dancing With Lewy," Nancy talks about how God provided for them financially,...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 02/06/2022
The new "sandwich generation" are the off-spring of the baby-boomers, who may find themselves taking care of both parents and children. Nancy teaches tools and tips...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 02/06/2022
We raise our kids up in the way they should go---and they still stepped off the expected path. Now what do we do? No matter the specifics of the prodigal issue, Lori's talk...
Posted by Lori Wildenberg on 02/01/2022
Weekend retreat for women who want to SOAR. Refuel, renew, refine, and refocus.Designed to guide you from places of uncertainty, insecurity, and unsteadiness to places of clarity,...
Discover your BFF: the friend who will never disappoint. Have you ever had a friend who has disappointed you? Women need girlfriends. Girlfriends are a gift from God. We have an innate...
Break the cycle, embrace your worth. Who are you? How do you know who you are? Who told you? As a child, adolescent, teen, and adult what messages did you receive from the people in...
Learn about the lifeline of hope and grab it before you sink. Life with all of its struggles, tragedies, lies, hardships, demands, and responsibilities, can make us feel as if we are...
Women Who Rock Their World - Becoming More Influential Than You Ever Dreamed Possible - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought...
My favorite phrase in the Bible is "but God." Those two little words change everything. We were dead in our sins, but God made us alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:1-7). Our...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 01/30/2022