Often, when we hear the word “sober” we think of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive substances. Jenn expands your thinking to more of a mindset. Her definition...
Posted by Jenn Kautsch on 06/11/2024
Through a deep dive into Jesus’ interactions with several women of the Bible, you’ll discover the lasting impact of His radical regard and profound love for women.Come...
Posted by Sarah Holley on 06/07/2024
A Three-Session Training On DiscipleshipWe are passionate about women leading women to be fervent disciples of Jesus.The word “Leader” or “Shepherd” can sometimes...
Reframing Our Thoughts and Discovering God's Abundant Life. Battling doubt? Join us as we explore how the Word of God rewrites our negative narratives. Discover how to silence...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
"...and if I perish, I perish." The words of Queen Esther stir me every time I encounter them. Queen Esther's story is a treasure chest of leadership lessons. Preparation,...
Posted by Anne Furman on 03/26/2024
This gathering is designed specifically for women who desire to deepen their understanding of Scripture, experience fellowship with like-minded believers, and draw closer to God through...
Luke Chapter 1 holds the powerful dialogue that took place between Mary and an angel. We are going to take a closer look at this conversation between heaven and God's girl for...
After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
We are to live by faith and not fear. A look at what the Bible says about faith and how we can be over-comers in the midst of a scary world. There are promises in the Book of...
Posted by Karen Smith on 01/18/2024
How lovely is your dwelling place oh Lord. This uplifting message encourages believers to long for the presence of God in His lovely place.Based on a word study of the word LOVELY...
Posted by Karen Smith on 01/18/2024
In a world where promises are broken on the daily, isn't it good to know that our Heavenly Father always keeps His promises? We have so many examples of this throughout the Word...
We live in a world full of turmoil, division, and uncertainty. How do we hold onto and live for what lasts? In 1 Corinthians 13, we find well-known verses about the kind of love that...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 12/07/2023