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Posted by: Patti Davis on 02/12/2024

Formula For the Impossible

Luke Chapter 1 holds the powerful dialogue that took place between Mary and an angel. We are going to take a closer look at this conversation between heaven and God's girl for the hour.

I want to challenge you to speak the words found in these scriptures; speak them over your situation. Nothing is impossible when your attitude is right; you know you are in God's favor; your faith is stronger than your fears; you ask honest questions; and you are flexible.

We will take a close look at the conversation. Your heart will be enlarged when you realize that this dialogue has power and application for today. Like Mary, great things lay ahead of us because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Nothing is impossible with God.

Mary was an example of a woman who loved her God. She had faith in His words to her and she had a willingness to obey the Holy Spirit. Just think - she was visited by the Spirit; we have the Spirit living inside of us.

The audience will discover a formula for the impossible situation they may be facing. 

(1) Before the situation became a reality, ministering Spirits came to Mary.

Nothing happens to you unless it passes through God first; He's not caught off guard.

(2) The Spirit calmed her fears by telling her she had God's favor in her life.

Don't let your situation scare you, whatever it may be. Satan wants to paralyze us, leaving us ineffective for God's work.

(3) The Spirit told her, "You will be with child and give birth to a son."

What is God trying to birth in you? 

(4) Mary asked an honest question of the Spirit, "How can this be?"

She asked an honest question; she was responding gently. She never became angry and threw her fist up into the air at God. 

(5) The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you."

Nothing is impossible with God. We'll be able to put God between us and the situation we find ourselves in.

(6) Mary's amazing response: "I am the Lord's servant; may it be to me as you have said."

God is looking for women who will send a message to this fallen world that he is a God on the move and when you follow him, you also will be on the move.


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