FAITHFUL AND FABULOUS! The Faith Boat Cruise with Mrs. Noah: I Thess 5:23 & 24 Learning to rely on the faith that will see you safely through the storms...
Legacy Live a life of impact!. Learn to live a life of impact that influences beyond your lifetime. Session 1 Who am I? Learn about your identity in Christ. Our confidence...
B.U.S.Y? Learn the Best Unique Strategies for You! Enjoy the beautiful, balanced, abundant life God offers. Learn why your life often feels imbalanced, how to analyze and reset it...
Perfect for a retreat, Christian program or keynote on emotional healing. When we shed the shame, through Christ, we can burst out of our shame-based cocoon and be like the beautiful...
When Sandee Lester met her husband, Rick, in Korea, he was flying F-4's with the Air Force while she toured the Far East performing with an all-female show band. He was dressed...
The Resurrection of Jesus is the foundational doctrine upon which Christianity rises or falls (1 Cor. 15:14-20). In this session, we explore four facts about Jesus that a consensus...