Are you tired, weary, or on the verge of burn out? Are you ready to embrace God's promise of rest? Hannah invites women to rest in a way that God offers it to us from Genesis to...
During this session, Hannah will lead you into a refreshing awareness of your identity in Christ, while helping you release limiting lies, thoughts or beliefs about yourself. Get ready...
Description: Why do we need government? How can we tell when it's getting out of control? Lots of people see the encroachment of the government, but they...
Posted by Cynthia Davis on 09/01/2023
Whether your taking care of small children, teens, elderly parents or a husband, we have answers to life's most perplexing problems. You will walk away feeling encouraged,...
Posted by Cynthia Davis on 09/01/2023
This topic is incredibly close to my heart. It is heavy, and yet so crucial to address, especially in a world where many are silently suffering. I share my own journey through...
So many times in our lives, we wait. We wait for things to change, our circumstances to get better, and things to return to how they used to be. We don't realize that all too often,...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 08/23/2023
I'm passionate about helping women find hope in the midst of their mess - whether large or small, self-induced or thrust upon them. As a former Playboy Bunny with a reckless disregard...
Posted by Robyn Dykstra on 08/06/2023
Practical, Biblical strategies shared with humor and passion. Gain a positive, eternal mindset no matter what we are going through. The 4 R's are Reach In, Reach Out, Routines,...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 06/10/2023
Peg's humorous yet poignant Church Ladies drama, highlights our unique God-given gifts. By focusing on the strengths of our individual stories and personalities, you'll...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 06/10/2023
Do you ever wish you could have a do over? You can! In this message, Deedy will have you laughing and maybe even crying as she shares from God's word how new and long-time believers...
Hebrews 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure."The storms of life are sure to come at us. Kim's inspirational stories help set your gaze...
Posted by Kim Kintner on 05/15/2023
Come and prepare for the marriage journey. Get excited to learn about "relationship real estate." Are you ready for "ownership" with marriage goals or are you fine...
Posted by Janice Burton on 05/01/2023