Building on ONE foundation- God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. Our "oneness" in Jesus Christ. John 17:23; Ephesians 2:22; Ephesians 4:1-7...
Are we taking time daily to notice those "moments" that give us chill bumps, to stop and breathe, to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? While we are busy chasing after...
I don't know a woman out there that looks in that mirror in the morning and expresses her deep gratitude for the awesome job she believes the creator has done. In fact, I think...
Shame is that 5-letter word that can sometimes feel more like a 4-letter word. It’s the feeling that says who we are … isn’t good enough. We feel bad about ourselves, confident...
We were each created by God for a purpose. Just as a potter starts at the potter’s wheel then works through a shaping process for his creation, our Creator the Potter has us go through...
Often, we forget the power given to us by our creator to be that beacon of hope that we were created to be. This presentation addressed the purpose and mission of our lives....
The existence of God as a real being; that he is the creator of all reality should have a noticeable impact in our lives. Others should see evidence of our belief and trust in a real...
God knows the song of your heart--Psalms is His way of singing it to you when you have forgotten. From the soul-stirring heights of praise to the heart-rending depths of despair, the...