A Reason to Rise helps individuals to rediscover their callings. The teaching uncovers the lies that appear so convincing that chronic discouragement and paralysis are inevitable consequences....
Do you believe it really is possible to forgive and forget? Mary Southerland learned the power of forgiveness as she faced and dealt with painful issues while battling clinical depression....
Posted by Mary Southerland on 10/02/2020
Does your heart long for a fresh glimpse of Christ during the Christmas season? Do you desire for others to hear a clear and compelling gospel presentation? Join Donna Amidon for Jesus...
Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice and they follow Me." What does that look like in the life of a believer? In Still Small Voice: Inviting God's Voice to Guide...
Posted by Donna Amidon on 09/23/2020
This multi-session retreat, can also be presented as single sessions for conferences.Session 1: Soul Care to ThriveRelease the “get-it-all-together” lie and trust God to...
Each of us have times we experience turbulence in our relationships. This can happen in the workplace, within our families, in our homes and church families. Wherever there are people...
Posted by Margo Williams, DMin. on 07/31/2020
Alienation is a big problem among divorced and single-parent families today. How do parents avoid wounding their children through alienation? How can someone deal with being an alienated...
Posted by Nancy E. Head on 04/01/2020
Four Roads to Bethlehem; The Gift; Light of the World; Love Found a Way; The Star of Bethlehem; That’s My King!; The Three Wise Women; Peace...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 03/20/2020
“Equipping the Saints for Evangelism”—Information provided on the most effective ways to answer the “hard” questions asked by non-Christians, atheists...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
“New Age and the Church”—Exposing the deception of the New Age, occult, parapsychology, and false religions. These “false evidences of God” are deceiving...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
When was the last time you needed faith? To trust God? To believe Him? We can all use a little more faith! In this message, Robin uses the example of Bartimaeus to encourage women...
Posted by Robin R King on 03/12/2020