You need perseverance for both! There’s a lesson we can learn from the rigors of martial arts training that will benefit our Christian growth. Perseverance alone will not grow...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/21/2019
Your history is intended, by God, to serve as a personalized tool for leading others to Christ. Explore the safety, healing, and wholeness forgiveness offers, as Jesus wipes your slate...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 09/19/2019
Using the acronym A.R.I.S.E, Deborah shows the video of her home burning to the ground, shares the two amazing things that survived, and vividly portrays parables that connect the...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/18/2019
Mindfully JoyfulDid you know God's word says we are His poetry? Being mindfully aware of His life-giving word and His design of our brain creates poetic, joyful abundance in our...
Nowadays almost everyone has a GPS in their car or on their phones. Life would be easier if we had a GPS for all of our decisions. Believers do! God’s Positioning System is available...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
Believers need to understand that faith and fear cannot coexist equally. Can your faith be overflowing and contagious? Is it possible to have the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
A pencil in the hands of a renaissance master like da Vinci can produce what most of us cannot. Imagine what Our Master God can create with you if you place yourself in His loving...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
Saundra recalls some of her favorite chocolate treats; the everyday chocolates, the seasonal chocolates and the unattainable chocolates. Unlike those chocolates, Jesus is for everyday,...
Mirror, mirror on the wall… is what the evil queen in Snow White would ask her magic mirror. Mirrors aren’t magic, but don’t we hear from our mirrors everyday? Mirrors...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
A humorous yet insightful look at who we are as women. In this lively and interactive message, Donna leads women to a better understanding of who God says they are. Women will be surprised...
This study examines 5 exciting characteristic traits of "God's G.I.R.L.S." Women will be amazed as we discover together the joys of what it means to truly belong to...
Posted by Donna Lott on 08/18/2019
I gently share my story of how I got out of being hopeless, to hopeful. I had to hit rock bottom, which was an attempted suicide. My whole life, I had made a mess of my life. I had...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 08/10/2019