Becoming Women of Balance, Boundaries and Boldness. One of the top struggles women have within their lives is maintaining balance within their lives. If we do not have order within...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 11/16/2016
There's a battle that can sneak up on us as women, and most of the time we don't know that it exist until someone in ministry or anywhere for that matter seems to be shining a little...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 09/08/2016
We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes! Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest...
Deb Potts is an expert at being mad! Holding grudges is just one way of "getting back" at someone who hurt us. We want to give them what they deserve, that's fair -...
Has your encounter with God transformed your life?Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
- A Genuine Peace; "Experience true joy through life's trials"I. Your Verse: How does your relationship with Jesus affect your life verse (your life story)?II. Your...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
Comparison is a swampy trap. It feeds insecurity, fear, doubt and leaves us with unanswered questions about who we are. God created for us a new identity when we accepted His son....
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/18/2016
Women who nurture others will appreciate this series of presentations filled with humorous stories that inspire excellence in relationships. God honors excellence and loves people....
Posted by Jodie Randisi on 08/13/2016
Joanna’s recent talk on "Hearing the Call: Distinguishing God's Voice" was an enlightening experience that beautifully blended science and Scripture. Using the...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
One of Sherry's most requested topics!Designed to encourage, build up and release women into a deeper relationship with God."Becoming a woman of power does not mean becoming...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
"Busy-ness" can destroy relationships and even our spiritual walk. Follow Paula in a personal reflection of how "busy-ness" became her idol and was contrary to...
Posted by Paula Frizzell on 07/19/2016
We live in a society today where we never really need to leave our house to be in communication with others. In fact, we don't even have to speak with them if we choose....
Posted by Laura Sommons on 06/14/2016