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Posted by: Laura Sommons on 06/14/2016

Connecting One on One

 We live in a society today where we never really need to leave our house to be in communication with others.  In fact, we don't even have to speak with them if we choose.  It is so much easier that way, isn't it?  We can continue to guard our hearts, keep at a safe distance and not really engage with others.  No one can hurt us this way.  If we do not risk our hearts for the sake of others, we miss an opportunity to have real life changing relationships.  Are we tired of the surface type relationships?  Have we lost our passion to have community with other women, with believers and unbelievers alike?  Pouring out into the lives of others one on one can change the entire dynamic of your church body and ministry.  The  impact you make for Christ in the life of an individual is far more rewarding then the work of ministries itself.  Do we love our women in our church body?  Do we even know them?  Let's learn the importance of connecting one on one.

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